Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Madrid or Barcelona

Cadaqués and port lligat

Un lugar de puta madre! If Granada was the highlight of the south then

In Lonely Planet it has stated about Figueres, and I quote, "a humdrum town (some might say a dive)". I've got to say this is a bit harsh. Yes, the town does die down after the day trippers have gone back to their sea side resorts, and I know the main attraction is the Dalí museu, but it's just like lots of other small towns. I think It's more a case of Figueres being over shadowed by the museu.
We were there early mid week and there was not much night life, but there are some very nice sit out side tapas bars to watch the world not go by. The best in my mind is El cafe de barri vall. I went to the bath room at this place and there was a bath. Yes it has a full bathroom. You could bring your towel and soap and have a good scrub. Now there's a challenge!
You my notice that there are no pictures with this blog. Well the main attraction is the museu and there were many visitors taking pictures of interactive art. Yes, I kid you not, do they not realise that the whole point of this type of art is the experience!
We were there early mid week and there was not much night life, but there are some very nice sit out side tapas bars to watch the world not go by. The best in my mind is El cafe de barri vall. I went to the bath room at this place and there was a bath. Yes it has a full bathroom. You could bring your towel and soap and have a good scrub. Now there's a challenge!
You my notice that there are no pictures with this blog. Well the main attraction is the museu and there were many visitors taking pictures of interactive art. Yes, I kid you not, do they not realise that the whole point of this type of art is the experience!
Friday, September 15, 2006
I was surprised by Stiges I was hoping for more. Yes it has a great beach and it is a nice town. But at night it does change, ever body sat down outside that bars seemingly eyeing up others trying to decide who is the most beautiful. One for the superficial. 

La ruta sobre ruedas de barcelona - Barcelona street skate

Here’s a picture of a Italian guy and Elizabeth from London (a London FNS regular) I was talking to. The skate itself was a relaxed pace to say the least, so much so that it was getting boring. I usually stay with the music bike on the skates in London but there was no music on this skate and I was at the front of the skate quite often. I’d left Lisa at our hotel and gone for the skate thinking that I would be back for 12. For such a short skate I should have been, but we finished at 01:00. Elizabeth was staying just off la rambla so we skated together, picked up the pace to a more normal speed, with a bit of road work thrown in London styley!
I was talking to one guy form Barcelona on the skate, who said that there was a Thursday night skate, that was faster, ie they didn’t stop the traffic and take so many breaks. So if you’re coming to Barcelona and thinking about a skate maybe check out that one!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Bacelona hostel.

How do you find it? You don´t, it finds you! But I guess you could ask for Masaki around town!

Sunday, September 03, 2006
Madrid a zaragoza.
¿Simón, qué piensas en madrid? - Pues, una otra pregunta sea - ¿Por qué sales madrid? -
Yo he venido aqui para mejorar mi español y si habia hecho. Pero, a mi no me parece bastante por el tiempo he gastado aqui. Yo pienso que apendera más en estes meses si tuviera amigos aqui.
Es verdad me habia sentido un poco triste esta mañana cuando he salido madrid. Anoche jugué "frisby" con otros patinadores en retiro, y hablé mucho español. Si yo encontrare estes patinadores en mis premera semanas aqui, la historia fuera diferente. Pues yo no se. Pero, se recorda la frase hecha sobre coasa que pasara - Si me abuela tuviera dos ruedas y manillar no seria me abuela sino una bicicaleta. -
Quizás no podemos hacer planes, pues planes mucho en futuro. Yo he hecho uno de mis planes y no pasó bien pero no malo. Yo me voy a hacer mi plan proximo. -¿Qué es?- Yo empezaré un curso en el insituto de cervantes para obtener el DELE intermidio. Con esta deploma quizás puedo encontrar un trabajo normal, en un empresa o hospital. Pero no como un profesor de íngles.
Hasta luego.
Yo he venido aqui para mejorar mi español y si habia hecho. Pero, a mi no me parece bastante por el tiempo he gastado aqui. Yo pienso que apendera más en estes meses si tuviera amigos aqui.
Es verdad me habia sentido un poco triste esta mañana cuando he salido madrid. Anoche jugué "frisby" con otros patinadores en retiro, y hablé mucho español. Si yo encontrare estes patinadores en mis premera semanas aqui, la historia fuera diferente. Pues yo no se. Pero, se recorda la frase hecha sobre coasa que pasara - Si me abuela tuviera dos ruedas y manillar no seria me abuela sino una bicicaleta. -
Quizás no podemos hacer planes, pues planes mucho en futuro. Yo he hecho uno de mis planes y no pasó bien pero no malo. Yo me voy a hacer mi plan proximo. -¿Qué es?- Yo empezaré un curso en el insituto de cervantes para obtener el DELE intermidio. Con esta deploma quizás puedo encontrar un trabajo normal, en un empresa o hospital. Pero no como un profesor de íngles.
Hasta luego.