Friday, September 15, 2006
La ruta sobre ruedas de barcelona - Barcelona street skate

Here’s a picture of a Italian guy and Elizabeth from London (a London FNS regular) I was talking to. The skate itself was a relaxed pace to say the least, so much so that it was getting boring. I usually stay with the music bike on the skates in London but there was no music on this skate and I was at the front of the skate quite often. I’d left Lisa at our hotel and gone for the skate thinking that I would be back for 12. For such a short skate I should have been, but we finished at 01:00. Elizabeth was staying just off la rambla so we skated together, picked up the pace to a more normal speed, with a bit of road work thrown in London styley!
I was talking to one guy form Barcelona on the skate, who said that there was a Thursday night skate, that was faster, ie they didn’t stop the traffic and take so many breaks. So if you’re coming to Barcelona and thinking about a skate maybe check out that one!