Monday, March 24, 2008


Good bye Buenos Aires

I didn't get much sleep last night. Well none actually, just one hour when the big French guy who was snoring all night, went for breakfast at nine and then went back to bed at 10 and started snoring again. I did try kicking the bed but it only worked for about 30 seconds.

I'm packed and ready to go. I think.

On the way

I had decided to go with the public bus (colectivo) as it costs just $1.80 ar and taxis are about $60 ar and the bus company is $30 ar. I knew where the bus left from and I had plenty of time for the 1 and half hour journey. But! This is Semana Santa and some groups saw this as an ideal time to protest. So congreso where the bus leavse from was closed to traffic and nobody seemed to know where the buses had been redirected to. After walking around for ages I looked at my watch and decided that I needed to take a taxi. I flagged down a taxi and asked the price. On the way to the airport we talked about beef and mate. A lot of what he said about mate contradicted what other Argentines said about mate, but I guess it's a personal thing. Mate for me has enough caffine without adding coffee as well. He got me to the airport in time and for $55 ar. That is cheaper than all the taxi companies are quoting in Bs Ar.

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