Monday, January 28, 2008


Puerto Madryn

After traveling for 20 + hours we arrived in a hot Puerto Madryn. My back was giving me problems again and I just wanted to get to the hostel (Hostel Hi Patagonia), which was the other side of town. When we arrived we were told that there would be a BBQ - Parrilla that night, Lisa was ok with salad and I was fine with eating copious amounts of meat. I even managed to introduce some Americans to the delights of morcilla - black pudding. Earlier on in the day we organised our bus out to BA, our trip to the valdes peninsular for the day after, and some shopping.

Returning to the hostel at night for the parrilla we were told that the tour company would now be picking us up at 8:30 - extra hour in bed and more beer.

Península Valdés: Lisa woke up and said it´s 8, we rushed out had some breakfast and I was cleaning my teeth when the tour bus arrived. The journey seemed quick, well, I was asleep most of the way.

First stop was to see the lobo marinos - Sea Lions. Noisy little buggers they are as well. The males - los machos, are constantly fighting and making lion noises. It is like watching a comunity of individuals with their personality quirks. We did see some more wildlife at this stop a little peludo (armadillo but hairy as well) that seemed to be lost and was wandering around the cafe at the top.

Pingüinos: We had already seen but as always comical to watch. How they can climb cliffs I don`t know. Apparently this type of penguine never sees snow nor ice - they like the beach.

Elefante marinos - Elephant seals: The complet oposite form sea lions these animals were very quiet and inactive, but good to see for the size of these things.

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