Tuesday, December 04, 2007


La Quiaca - Argentina

Crossing the border of other countries, like Perú to Bolivia there´s not much difference apart from the cost of things in Bolivia. Bolivia is cheap, maybe one reason why we spent so much time here. Well that is a small reason the main reason was it`s gorgeous.

Hight: At the border crossing I saw something that I haven`t seen for a while tall people on the Argentinian side. Maybe I can blend in a bit more here!

Spanish: Up until now I`ve been getting the gist of 99-100% of the spanish, even if I didn`t know all the vocab. Things started changing in the South of Bolivia where the R at the begining of a word and RR in a word are pronounced like Z, not a spanish "th" but like an English Z. So a Fox instead of being a Zorro is pronounced ZoZo. Over the border is different altogether I`ve heard all the peculiarities of spanish in one sentence and understood nowt. I was trying to chill with the different vocab in each country but Argentina is mad. I reminds me of a Nigerian work collegue in London who went for a job and he passed everything apart from they didn`t understand him, he lost the job. Also Lisa notices that they are talking faster more like the speed of the Spanish, so far the Latin American has been slow. But maybe this is just because it`s a border town and Argentinian Spanish is easier!

Cost: We went for the cheapest hostel listed in LP and it was too expensive $85 A. We got somewhere for $50, we would need to adapt.

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