Thursday, August 16, 2007


Guatemala - flores

After an early 5am rise and a journey of several hours we arrived at the frontera with guatemala. To cross the frontera you have to take a lanca/barca a small motor boat. The boat was driven, mmmmm sailed, you get the idea, by a lad (chico) who looked like he should be in school and with all the recent storms the water was full of floating trees and branches, which we kept having to swerve to miss, most of the time. There was then an 1 and half wait because the bus driver didn´t have a ticket for 7 people and thought he wasn´t going to get paid so wasn´t going to move. After several phone calls he got us on our way. 2 hours on dusty dirt roads, and then another 2 hours on tarmac, we arrived. They guy on the bus took us to hotel casablanca for Q80 per night for a double. We weren´t going to say no to that, a fiver a night.
There was a breakfast buffet on the way in Mexico but we were told there was a stop to eat lunch we we skipped it. There was not place to eat lunch and we had no Q to spend on this side so it was about 12 hours later by the time we got to eat. I had my first taste of guatamalan food chorasco, beef steak dinner with rice, veg, tortilla, and spicy sauce for Q25. And a Gallo beer for Q10. Gallo is spanish for a male chicken ie a cock. That´s right cock beer!

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