Sunday, October 01, 2006


Back in Blighty

Well I'm back and feeling a bit down. I took the first week as a settling in week and went back to Rossendale for a weekend. Since then I've been looking around for work and registering with a few agencies. I seem to be either pigeon holed into the Clinical Trials field or too qualified for other jobs. The agencies that I've registered with are apparently some of the best, I would hate to be with the worst. It seems like I either have to wait it out for a job in the Clinical Trials field or go to the bottom of the barrel.

I had my first Spanish lesson last night for a few years. It was strange being in a class on the other side. I just couldn't get into it! I kept thinking "No you don't do it like that you give the students time to read through the exercise. Plan your board work, divied it into two sections. Less teacher talk time (TTT) and more student talk time (STT). I guess I'll get back into it with time. Maybe I'm a better teacher than student! I'm not sure how that's going to help me with nailing Spanish. I did hear one other student talking about taking the DELE to get the qulification to put on his CV. Also at the end of the B4 level there is a test. Which is bad, because I don't like test, exams etc. But also good because I'm a reactive person, I need a focus, left to my own pace I'll chill, but with something to work for I know I can do well.

There are some gaps in the diary about my travels around Spain so I will update them from time to time when I remember them.

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