Monday, July 17, 2006
Last week teaching in Madrid.
Yes it's my last week, some of my friends are surprised that it's over so soon and maybe so am I. Then again don't actors say every exit is another entrance. Maybe leaving the MRC is the start and this was the first stepping stone. I had two classes today and I think I'll miss all of the students, some reminded me, of me when I was really studying Spanish. I think it's one of those things that I know and I've proved that I can study Spanish and get good at it, I can study to teach and teach English well, I think - hope. But to do both at the same time feels counter productive for me. My major aim is to learn Spanish and with teaching English all I keep thinking is how beautiful the English language is. I feel I need to concentrate on doing my lessons. Ok so some have bombed but some I think I kicked arse. I'm not saying that I don't think Spanish is a beautiful language (it is) and that's why I'm doing what I'm doing. What ever that is!!!!!!!!!!! I guess some people just need a bit of direction in their lives. Yes, I am including myself in that equation, but there is something to be said about not knowing what you are doing or where you are going and just making the most of the situation.
What's changed for me? Well, when I get back to London I'll try and get myself on to a Spanish course, and get some structure back into my learning. There's qualifications that are recognised world wide, as an indication of your level. Why? Would I work in a Spanish speaking country again? Yes, but not as an English teacher and it's not because I don't like the teaching it the job.
Would all this be different if I had a job, I really want to use "real job" but I don't want to upset the language teachers out there. I'm with you and respect! I just need the 9 to 5. Yes I think it would be different you learn the language from your peers. So from whom am I learning Spanish from if I speak English with all my students! If I was in a job speaking Spanish all the time I think I would feel more like I was progressing.
My Spanish teachers favourite saying was "Si mi abuela tuviera dos ruedas y un manillar no serĂa mi abuela, sino una bicicleta." (for the Brits: if my gandmother had two wheels and handlebars she wouldn't be my grandmother she'd be a bicycle!). A cuban answer to anyone saying what if you can say what if to anything. Maybe we should say I tried it and liked it or didn't like it whatever.
What's changed for me? Well, when I get back to London I'll try and get myself on to a Spanish course, and get some structure back into my learning. There's qualifications that are recognised world wide, as an indication of your level. Why? Would I work in a Spanish speaking country again? Yes, but not as an English teacher and it's not because I don't like the teaching it the job.
Would all this be different if I had a job, I really want to use "real job" but I don't want to upset the language teachers out there. I'm with you and respect! I just need the 9 to 5. Yes I think it would be different you learn the language from your peers. So from whom am I learning Spanish from if I speak English with all my students! If I was in a job speaking Spanish all the time I think I would feel more like I was progressing.
My Spanish teachers favourite saying was "Si mi abuela tuviera dos ruedas y un manillar no serĂa mi abuela, sino una bicicleta." (for the Brits: if my gandmother had two wheels and handlebars she wouldn't be my grandmother she'd be a bicycle!). A cuban answer to anyone saying what if you can say what if to anything. Maybe we should say I tried it and liked it or didn't like it whatever.
Anyway, I've had a few drinks and there's some more to be had, so until next time, chao or ciao to the Italian speakers.
Comments on what I should be writing or anything else are most welcome.